Friday, August 31, 2012

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Alberto Ginastera  Estancia, op. 8 (1941) . . . one of this week's FEATURED NEW MUSIC VIDEOS.

Composer Portrait: Anne LeBaron (Judy Lochhead, IAWM Journal) . . . our COMPOSER PORTRAIT for the week. And visit Anne LeBaron at Pytheas!

Gia Comolli  The Flight of Icarus (1989) . . . it's one of our PYTHEAS EARFULS for the week.

Red Light New Music (New York, NY, USA) . . .  our FEATURED ENSEMBLE this week.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Gillian Whitehead  Arapatiki (2004) . . . one of this week's FEATURED NEW MUSIC VIDEOS.

Hear Now – A Festival of New Music (Venice, California, USA) - Aug 25 & 26, 2012 . . . it's our FEATURED NEW MUSIC FESTIVAL.

Phil Kline  Tarantella (2006) . . . it's one of our PYTHEAS EARFULS for the week.

Orchestra 2001 (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA) . . . our FEATURED ENSEMBLE this week.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Christian Wolff  Another Possibility (2004) . . . one of this week's FEATURED NEW MUSIC VIDEOS.

New Programming - Expanding the Box (Greg Sandow) . . . our NEW MUSIC THOUGHT for the week.

Ted Vives  Fanfare Diamante (2007) . . . it's one of our PYTHEAS EARFULS for the week.

5:4 (Five Against Four) . . . check out this NEW MUSIC WEBSITE.